Gort Report #1Stewardship needs to replace Dominion in the hearts of the future, should we survive as a civilization. “Don’t screw with mother nature” is really good advice. Our civilization has denigrated the earth to “raw materials” and chuckled about “externalized costs” such as forests and mountains, once considered sacred. Raping your mother is a rather twisted thing to do. That is the culture you have been living in.
Demands from Mom: Recycle everything. Stop killing each other. Have fewer babies. Reduce resource extraction. (Live lightly on the land.) Grow healthy food. Fulfill essential needs of every sapient. (Education, energy, communication, food, medical, housing) What Mom gives you: Absolution, should you change your ways. You get to keep everything you have already taken from her. You get to care again. Everyone and everything prospers. And welcome back to Eden.
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I gift to you the primal paradigm once common to all our ancient ancestors: the art of animistic perception. Perceiving the landscape and the life above, upon, and in it, including sky, soil, rocks, and bedrock as fundamentally sacred sentient entities is the basic experiential viewpoint of Animism, the oldest religion by far. Achieving this viewpoint is no easy task, and, in days of yore, was traditionally offered to every sentient shortly after puberty: the vision quest. The practice has variations as many as are tribes, with the commonality of an awesome reverence for the ‘stone people’ or ‘grandfathers’. The detailed methodology of the vision quest as practiced by the now extinct Latgawa Takelma of Southern Oregon was assembled by the last apprentice of their last medicine people: James L. Petersen, aka Rockman. In 1988 “How to SEE: a photographic vision quest” received limited private publication, but is now free online at latgawamedicinetaxi. Brace yourself for a truly strange journey to a forgotten paradigm. Who am I? Just a gringo who became the apprentice’s renegade apprentice. This being a tipping point moment for humanity, where the world is on pause, and we seem to have made mother earth mad at us, it is time to get the world back in balance. Lomakatsi, life in balance, as the hopi might say.
PDFs Downloadable via Google DriveJust made it home in time for coronavirus lockdown. Since the entire world is being personally threatened on an existential level and forced into isolation, perhaps it is time to meditate upon our cultural sins which created this situation. This is a time for introspection and meditation. Arguing with fools is a waste of time. The dice are rolling. This book may help you re-align your spirit.
Link at bottom of home page. Here is the humble release of this free digital edition. First up is a slide show of the book. Don't know if it can be viewed full screen. (Went with full jpeg home page instead with link at bottom) Full PDF is 250mb, and this site allows but 10. Arg. At any rate, will be populating this with more materials in due course. Here are 80 pages of medicine.
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